Kenneth Black
“I needed to prepare for the next level of executive leadership. Years of schooling, on-the-job training, and managing management are not enough to succeed in business. Even though I have experimented, taken risks, and have generally been a nice guy, it is still is not good enough. Sometimes it takes an outside third party executive management expert guru to help you see things without filters and including how my colleagues view me as well. Todd is that and more. He was an excellent coach, and comfortable asking you tough questions that make you think outside the box and sharing from his years of executive experiences. He took the time to explain business management theory and cutting edge leadership. He was available when you needed his advice, and is a real gentleman as well. I highly recommend Todd.”
Several years later—
“Your wisdom, insight, training, and education is what helped shape me and my career at E Source. I wanted to recognize and thank you for that.”