Tag: Effective Leadership

CEO Coaching: Leading With a Loose Grip

I just talked with a talented CEO who doubled his top line in less than three years. He built the senior team he wants and “ran” his business in keeping with his values, one of which is empowering his people to do their job. Unfortunately, a private equity firm that values control over empowerment owns […]

CEO Coaching: Lessons from Cuba

A recent trip to Cuba left me speechless for three reasons: beauty, fishing, and dysfunction. Twelve of us were on a live-aboard boat several hours off the coast for most of the week fishing for bonefish, tarpon, and permit. It was brilliant fishing, and the pristine waters (protected in part by dysfunctional policy) were superlative! […]

CEO Coaching: The Unpredictable Leader

One of the top concerns for CEOs at this point in time is political uncertainty. Biden or Trump[*]? And then there are all the downstream races, the effect on administrative polices, trade and labor implications, let alone defense spending and our position in the world. If you are like many of my clients, it drives […]

CEO Coaching: Are You Smarter Than Average?

The Wall Street Journal recently highlighted the correlation (which, of course, isn’t the same as causation) between excessive government regulation and low economic growth (comparing Europe with the US). Although I’m not a libertarian, I cringe at the growth of the administrative state and regulation. Of course we need some, but how much? That’s the […]

CEO Coaching: Balancing Reaction and Anticipation

How was your day? If it was “average,” you probably put out some fires, fielded questions, responded to requests, and dealt with a few surprises. All necessary requirements of senior leadership. But did you also think about the future, develop plans, proactively eliminate some risks, and identify growth opportunities for the business, your people, and […]

When Is It OK to Fail As a CEO?

Twice in my career I quit high-paying jobs (one a CEO slot and one running a 7,000-person division) because I had unethical or wrongheaded people to report to. Although this certainly cost me a great deal of money, I don’t regret either decision. As a CEO coach, I’ve run into many successful leaders who’ve either […]