Tag: CEO Coaching

63 Minutes

I was having a beer with my son and his father-in-law, Ken, and talking about airplanes. Ken was discussing the massive buildup of equipment that Americans had to undertake as one of the critical issues to win World War II. He was a kid then and later served in the military so saw this firsthand. […]

Vanity vs. Vision

No Executive is Perfect There’s a relatively bright line between two types of leaders that I look for when I consider new clients: those concerned primarily with their vanity versus those concerned with developing a vision. Those who think it’s primarily about what the company can do for them and the benefits that they receive […]

Dying At Least Twice

My friend Dave and I have something in common: We’ll both die at least twice. Each of us had medical occurrences that caused breath and blood to stop flowing — his very recently, mine when I was a young man. I’d like to keep it to two; the first occurrence wasn’t so fun. Unlike physical […]