CEO Coaching: Are You Experienced or Entrenched?

Numerous studies identify that CEOs’ ability to create value for the firm is highest in their tenure’s “middle innings.” Longevity in the corner office helps, but only to a point. 

There’s also evidence that the longer CEOs remain in the corner office, the more adept they become at internal relationships. However, the firm’s relationships with the outside world — where all those customers live — may suffer. I attribute this to “entrenchment.”

If your skills at developing relationships are strong (and they darn well should be if you’re a CEO!), your relationships with your team and board will strengthen over time. If you’re also lucky and skilled enough (yes, luck is part of it) to occupy the corner office during a period of good performance, you’ll naturally believe that you’re good at what you do — and you probably deserve that belief.

The performance curve, however, starts to bend at some point. Why? Correlation and causation aren’t the same thing, and it’s difficult to pin down an answer. However, as the saying goes, “What got you here won’t get you there”! Your experience, which was so valued in the middle innings, may have morphed into entrenchment.

Your board members trust you, so they don’t question your ideas much anymore. Your team members respect you (and only the ones you’re fond of stay for the long ride) and may not push or question you, and you may not push them. The “instincts” and market knowledge that have served you well for so long may no longer align with the outside world, and because you now spend more time internally than externally, you may not see it. When you do spend time with customers, they’re the current valued customers, not the valued customers of the future who value different things.

Your experience is now a liability, and you’re entrenched!

Doesn’t have to be that way. You have to stay inquisitive and be pushed. Do you have a plan for that?

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