My Hopes for Your New Year

Over the holidays I was pondering what I wanted for my clients in the coming year and it occurred to me that I would want the same things for anyone in a leadership role. Short and sweet, here is what I hope for you in the coming year!

  • I hope that you and your family and your team are able to stay healthy.
  • I hope that you will prosper in your business and profitably delight your customers.
  • I hope that you can find great joy in your work and create a joyful workplace for your team.
  • I hope that the resilience and grit that you found in the last two years remains in your psyche while the weariness recedes. 
  • We all have frogs to eat daily but I hope that you have as much fun as humanly (and legally!) possible!

Health, success, creating joy and having fun. Yep, that’s about it! If I can help you, let me know.


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