Tag: CEO Leadership Traits

Band of Brothers

…or South Park kids? Todd Ordal If you’re like me, perhaps a certain musical piece can send your mind to a wonderful place. I returned home recently from a business trip where I saw a particularly engaging company with a bright, tight-knight leadership team that focused on doing business the “right” way. As I thought […]

Making Pigs Fly

Is the problem your strategy, execution or both? Todd Ordal A friend expressed frustration with his company the other day. When I queried him about his frustration, he summed it up by saying that they had started to focus on “metrics over mission.” In this particular example, concern for improving the lives of their customers […]

Watch Out For Killer Asteroids!

Keep the big picture in mind in business planning Just when you thought you had enough to worry about in your business, according to USA TODAY (April 23, 2014) it now looks like the chance for a “killer asteroid” is a bigger threat that we believed. I’ll bet you didn’t capture that as a possible threat in […]

Feeling Powerful?

Get your butt kicked! by Todd Ordal  A bit of recent research confirmed what I’ve seen for many years: Power corrupts thinking. As reported in the Harvard Business Review, “feelings of power prompt leaders to verbally dominate and to resist others’ ideas,” resulting in a 17 percent decline in goal attainment. That’s a big deal! […]