My absolute favorite Chapter among the ten offered (and each even provides you with an actual read time) is entitled: “Don’t Bring A Knife To A Gun Fight – The Leader’s Toolkit.” My absolute favorite prescription is a list of 15 of the best questions you can use on a frequent basis and this one […]
“I needed to prepare for the next level of executive leadership. Years of schooling, on-the-job training, and managing management are not enough to succeed in business. Even though I have experimented, taken risks, and have generally been a nice guy, it is still is not good enough. Sometimes it takes an outside third party executive […]
Todd asks a lot of great questions to help me come up with solutions to move my business ahead. I have had great results in my business because we are now focused on the right things. I would recommend any CEO or business owner who feels isolated in crafting the direction of their company to […]
Working with Todd has been a positive experience for me and my leadership team. Todd has served as a sounding board on strategy, particularly focussing on leadership dynamics. Helping us move to a higher level of individual awareness and team dynamics resulting in a higher level of accountability which is translating into measurable behaviors and […]
In this world, you rarely get the opportunity to see yourself through the eyes of others; Todd began our engagement allowing me to do just that. Todd has enabled me to heighten my self-awareness as I relate to my peers, direct reports and board members and has provided tactical suggestions and tools to improve my […]
“Engaging with Todd came at a pivotal moment in my career, a period when I was in search of a mentor who would not only challenge me but also provoke deep introspection about my performance, strategic objectives, and managing change. Throughout the 12 months of our collaboration, Todd’s insightful and critical approach was invaluable. He […]
Todd Ordal has provided unparalleled leadership guidance as the world’s best CEO coach. Todd Ordal coaches CEOs to higher levels of success. He is a former CEO and has led teams as large as 7,000 people. Todd is the author of, Never Kick a Cow Chip On A Hot Day: Real Lessons for Real CEOs and […]