Author: Todd Ordal

 coaches CEOs to higher levels of success. He is a former CEO and has led teams as large as 7,000 people. Todd is the author of, Never Kick a Cow Chip On A Hot Day: Real Lessons for Real CEOs and Those Who Want To Be  (Morgan James Publishing). Connect with Todd on LinkedIn, Twitter, call 303-527-0417 or email [email protected].

CEO Coaching: Be Tough, Not an Ass

I don’t buy into gentle parenting, and I don’t buy into soft leadership either. Kind? Yes. Empathetic? Absolutely. Supportive? Of course. But tough? Hell yes. Mistakes shouldn’t be ignored. Feedback—both positive and negative—should come with real consequences. Leadership isn’t about hand-holding; it’s about setting expectations and enforcing them. That said, there’s a not so fine line between […]

CEO Coaching: Idiots at the Helm?

At a cocktail party recently, a guy I met launched into a monologue about his deep knowledge of the auto industry. I tuned out after a few minutes, but before I did, he confidently declared that the whole industry was run by idiots. Now, I’ve known, worked with, and worked for (and been one myself […]

Intuition in Leadership: Good or Bad?

“I trust my gut.” I’ve heard that from countless leaders over the years. Well, of course you do! If you didn’t trust your intuition at least a little, you’d probably need to book a standing appointment with a therapist. Intuition is fast. And speed can be a gift. But here’s the catch: intuition bypasses conscious […]

CEO Coaching: Four Legged Motivation

Yesterday, as I looked out my home office window, I spotted a young, energetic black Labrador zigzagging across my neighbor’s yard. Nose to the ground, she was clearly on a mission. Ten minutes later, my wife came upstairs and asked me to check out a different window. There, perched 15 feet in the air, was […]