Category: Articles

CEO Coaching: Talking Turkey

Direct Communication Requires Practice At the time I wrote this, my kitchen counter was full of ingredients for Thanksgiving dinner. I like to cook, so it was a pleasure to pull it all together. If only potatoes and dressing were good for you. … My mind—perhaps from too much anticipated tryptophan—went from trussing turkey to […]

Faith in Business

CEO Leadership Traits You might ask, “Where’s he going with this one?” Sermons in the lunchroom? Support of capitalism? Neither, but I might soon take a shot at the capitalism piece given some current political rhetoric. I consider myself a data-driven, evidence-based guy. “What evidence do you have of that?” is a common question for […]

Effective Leadership: Own It!

Choices — You Have More Than You Think! People in victim mode don’t often get into senior leadership roles. Eeyore’s favorite food is thistles, and that makes for a very negative, grumpy life. In my experience, professional victims have decided they have few choices in life. They were late because of traffic, not poor planning. […]